
04 Februari 2009

Transportation Cost in Indonesia

TASIKMALAYA, fuel type Premium Though already two down, but public transport fares (angkum) in Tasikmalaya not also go down. Chairman of the Organization of Land Kendaraan (Organda) Tasikmalaya Dede T. Widarsih, that public transport fares at this time is still long rates. Dede said that done, Organda because up to now still waiting for Mayor of SK Bupati Tasikmalaya Tasikmalaya or related to a decrease in tariffs is angkum. "Yes we are still waiting for Mayor of SK and Regent, we kan patokannya in government policy, that there have been a verbal 5% -10% but is certainly not the oral," Chairman of the firm as well as members of the Board of Organda Kab. Tasik time in the office building of the Board of Kab. Tasik, Tuesday (6 / 1). Angkum tariff adjustments in the field itself, says Dede, situsional ascertained. "Yes, if people pay less than the price usually, so a driver must receive. Dipermasalahkan Do not, I already submit to the angkum and driver so that situsional course," he added. Public transportation is being Kabid City Dishub Tasik Aay Zaelani Organda Dahlan expect angkum immediately reduce tariffs in line with the decrease in fuel price. "I hope I go down, although he said in January this decrease in fuel price again. Kan later adjustments can be done again," said Aay. Senada with Aay, Kasie Bina Usaha Transport Dishub Kab. Tasik H. Suryanto said the meeting in Bandung, some time ago. Rates for public transportation in the city down around 4% -7%. Angkum for being on the border down 5% -10%. "Clearly we're going down, the meeting yesterday also diperkotaan vehicle down to 4-7 percent, while for example the border from Tasik Cipatujah down to 5-10 percent. If the fuel price will be adjusted down again, even the decision of the meeting will changed again, "he said.

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