
30 Januari 2009

Watch that Clock!

by Mike Bond

I wonder what size book you'd end up with if you wrote a detailed history of clock and watch making? I don't think I'll try it. Just a tiny, few hundred words overview for the moment.
Probably the greatest horologist of them all was Abraham-Louis Breguet. He was born on the 10th. January 1747 at Neuchatel in Switzerland, and died on the 17th. of September 1823. Among his many accomplishments was his invention of the Tourbillon. It's French for 'whirlwind,' but its action is rather far from that phenomenon!
In the 18th. and early 19th. centuries, gravity was considered to affect timepieces adversely, causing them to lose or gain an unacceptable amount. Bregeut's invention put a cage around the whole escapement of the watch or clock and was geared to turn once every 60 seconds. It may have made a positive difference then. I think it's arguable.
The main problems they faced were inferior steels, and the fact that gears and pinions had to be cut by hand. Just think about it. You're faced with a brass disc, in which you must cut, say, 120 teeth. By hand. With a piercing saw. It requires incredible skill. Mind you, in those days and well into the early 20th. century, clock and watch making was very compartmentalized.
There was the man who made the movement plates, between which ran the gear train(s). The man who made the wheels and pinions. The escapement maker. The hand maker. There was the man who 'crossed out' the wheels and hands.
Indeed, years ago, I knew an old man, pretty much the last of his kind. He was 85 years old and still worked a bit on the side. He'd been employed by the same clockmaking firm in London for 59 years as a 'piercer,' the man who cut out the spokes in the wheel and made the decorative hands. He was quite amazing. If I have to cut out spokes in a wheel, I have to mark everything out and cut to the lines. Not him! He never marked anything out. He had this knack of cutting not only dead straight lines and beautiful curves, but of polishing the surfaces as he cut. Please don't ask me how! The result was that none of the wheels nor hands had to be touched with a polishing file at all.
So that was the way they used to work. Each individual highly skilled at his particular craft. The great Breguet was a master of it all.
Remember, too, that they couldn't simply sit down in front of a lathe and turn a switch. They had lathes, yes, but they had to be operated either with treadles or bows; the bow string passed in a single coil over a pulley and was pulled back and forth. With this method, the only time you could cut was when the bow was pushed away from you, causing the work to spin anti-clockwise, into your cutting tool.
Another of the problems was that since the wheels had to be cut by hand, including the escape wheel, making the escapement 'isochronos' was a decided problem. Yes. Terrifying word, isn't it? Not really, though. Straight from the Greek. 'Iso', meaning equal, and of course 'chronos', time. It's vital that the power from the mainspring, housed in the Great Wheel, is allowed to escape at an equal rate. In other words, the escape wheel teeth must be exactly the same distance apart. Imagine doing this by hand!
Breguet produced the most incredible pieces, not least the self-winding watch. It came with a clock, and when the wealthy wearer staggered home from a night in the taverns, reeking of booze, and cheap perfume from his dalliances with the ladies of the evening, he'd simply fumble for his watch, which of course he carried in a fob on a chain, and hooked it on to a special fixture on the clock. When he arose in the morning, the watch would be fully wound again.
Now, although the French and English were the masters of horology in those days, let's not forget the Americans. The French, with Pierre Le Roy, Achille Brocot and of course Breguet. The English, with such luminaries as Thomas Tompion, John Harrison, (of chronometer fame), and John Arnold, could make truly magnificent clocks and watches for the crowned heads of Europe and those with pockets lined with gold, it was the Americans and they alone who made the clock available to the masses. The English sniffed and huffed and puffed about what they called the 'kitchen clock', said it would never work and was a pile of junk.
I'm an Englishman myself, but not too proud to admit that the old lion received a hearty kick in the teeth. The Americans cornered the market, and England was eclipsed for many years to come.
I'm indebted to Wikipedia for some of the facts for this article

About Mike Bond
Probably the greatest horologist of them all was Abraham-Louis Breguet. He was born on the 10th. January 1747 at Neuchatel in Switzerland, and died on the 17th. September 1823. Among his many accomplishments was his invention of the Tourbillon.

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29 Januari 2009

How To Distinguish Mental Health Problems In Teenagers

by Faye Bautista

Teenagers are considered as one of the most active group of individuals today. But there are times that teens are already having some kind of mental health problem and yet adults fail to recognize it. Because of misinterpretation and ignorance, teens get to experience less understanding from their parents thus, leading to a more complicated situation which is of mental illness.
Parenting requires recognition of problems, no matter how big or small it is, in children. Teenage period is seen as the hardest stage in the parents and the child's life. Adolescents tend to be in a higher level of stress because of the low coping mechanism that is introduced to them.
Things about school, peer pressure or intimidation, self-insecurities and important decisions that must be regarded for are some of the things a teenager must fulfill in his or her life for it to become more meaningful. Pressures bring about a lot of stress, thus, worrying is inevitable. Adolescents tend to see the world in different folds and this kind of thinking makes things totally confusing.
With proper parent support and care, your teens can withstand these factors in life and make problem solving easier. Although, if you lack to give a certain time out of your monotonous and tasteless job to recognize your teen's feelings, then mental illness may occur.
Some of the most obvious manifestations of mental problems are hopelessness, depression, and worthlessness. Problems concerning the mind will co-exist with the emotional status of the adolescent. Usually, mental problems are painful and real. It only proves that, when an emotional problem is difficult to resolve, isolation may occur.
These mental health problems can be aggravated and can lead a future full of situations that can contribute problems which may affect the entire family as well. It can result to loss of close and trusted friends, conflict within the family, and dropping out of school. You, as a parent or guardian, must be aware of your adolescent's present status and emotional behavior.
Overreaction on simple and immature things, has become deeply emotional and cries a lot, and is often angered by situations. They feel guilty and worthless. Even keep on worrying with a lot of things and is very anxious. Being scared that he or she might go overboard and be out-of-control.
Your teenager can also manifest things that are based on the mental aspect like instead of making good grades he or she flunks every single subject in her class. The loss of interest in doing activities that he or she used to enjoy doing and their unexplainable change in eating and sleeping habits.
Once these behaviors are already seen in a teenager, it is time to ask for help. To be able to handle the situation effectively, mental health professionals can be consulted.

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28 Januari 2009

How to Control Minds of Others Using Word "NOT"

By Peter Saks

I would like to introduce you to all the manipulation possibilities of the word "not". We use it every day dozens of times, but only a very small group of people is fully aware of the power residing in it. Before you too will discover it, I would like to offer you a very interesting experiment. Below are few commands I would like you to read them carefully, close your eyes, repeat them slowly one after another in your thoughts and see how your mind reacts to them.
• Do not think about blue sky. • Do not think about your mother. • Do not think about your fathers voice.
Well, it seems you just couldn't resist thinking about them, huh?
What happened in your mind under the influence of these three commands? Your mind pictured blue sky, your mother and you've heard your fathers voice. If you haven't experienced it try again, this time it should work. Why is this happening? Why do our brains react so weirdly to commands formulated in such way? To answer this question, we will need to get familiar with a bit of theory behind this process. As you may already know, the mind of every human being is composed of two integral parts: the conscious and unconscious.
The subject of our particular interest is in the latter part of the brain. Unconscious mind is the place where all well-adapted skills are kept, skills you at the level of unconscious competence. Unconscious brain is responsible for fast reactions for example, automatically pressing the brake pedal when you encounter the red light, as well as the gas pedal when the light green lights, you change gears without any second-thoughts on how to do it (now try to recall how hard it was when you were starting to learn those things, how many variables you needed to keep track of and how exhausting it was).
Unconscious part of the brain also allows you to use your native language, without the need for think over whether to use a noun or verb, and in which tense. Everyone who ever studied a foreign language, knows how complex skill it is and how much time you have to devote in order to use it freely, and still you can speak in your native language without conscious thinking about the syntax and grammar.
Our brain is functioning this way thanks to the most developed part of it. It allows you to understand what other people are saying and helps you to express your thoughts clearly. This part of the brain is also responsible for transforming everything you hear or read into pictures, sounds and emotional states. However, it understands only very simple language, and is unable to understand negations. For example, to comprehend: Don't think about blue color, the brain must first picture blue color and then when he knows what blue is he can deny it. Otherwise speaking, there is no difference in saying "Don't think about blue color" and "Think about blue color", because on unconscious level your mind responds to both sentences in the very same way. Interesting concept, right? Even more interesting are its implications, because this concerns not only the images and sounds, but also emotional states and bodily sensations. Have anyone close to you said something like this to you:
"Honey, just do not get nervous. We have to talk".
What was the reaction of your mind to these words? Probably, unconscious mind first recalled the word nervous, or simply the state of distress, and then tried to neutralize it. What is the result of this situation? The exact opposite of the one intended, instead of the internal calmness you feel worried and stressed. The person speaking to you gave you an unconscious command: get nervous, honey. With this example it should be clear to you how often people tend to sabotage their own efforts by using sentences with negations.
- Ladies and gentlemen, please Don't get stressed. - Don't be afraid to visit the dentist, it will not hurt. - Don't forget to send letters. - Don't drop it. Don't lose it. - Don't do that.
These sentences produce a different result from the planned. We would have much better chance of achieving the intended result if we would, formulate those sentences in other way, such as:
- Ladies and gentlemen, please calm down. - Remember to send letters. - Keep it. - Keep an eye on it. - Stop to do it.
In this case, the mind gets precise instructions, the intention of the person saying these sentences is consistent with the way brain understands them, which gives you the highest chances of being well understood.
I do not know whether you already noticed, the full potential of knowingly using this very short word "not", you can control what other person thinks using language patterns which in majority of cases are unspottable. I do not know also whether you are fully aware of how you can benefit from using "not" in many situations of daily life. Do not think, on who try this technique today!

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27 Januari 2009

The Learning Process Of Dating Science

By Jon Sinn
The Learning process of Pick Up.
Today I'm going to be addressing something near and dear to my heart. The learning process of pick up.
There are a lot of people giving out a lot of bad advice on how to learn this stuff, so I want to make sure that I get my thoughts and experiences out to you guys to help shorten your learning curves.
First let's talk about the idea of a learning curve. A learning curve is the specific personal path that you will need to take to get to your goals. Everyone's learning curves will be different. For example a guy who's 6'4, extremely good looking and works as a movie producer, will have a significantly shorter learning curve than a guy who's 5'4 300lbs and unemployed. But both of these guys can eventually get all the success they desire by following the same basic rules for learning.
The first rule of learning pick-up, is that ALL real learning happens in the field. You can theorize until you're blue in the face, but until you learn how to actually apply the theory in real life, you haven't actually learned anything. That's why you want to follow the 4:1 ratio of field time to reading. That means that for every hour you read, you need to spend four hours out actually approaching. It doesn't count to just go out and hang out.
The second rule of learning pick up is learning to only take in high quality information. There's a lot of keyboard jockeys out there. Guys who sit around and can spout theory like an encyclopedia of game, but haven't gotten laid in a year or ever. You have to be super careful about who you listen to, especially on message boards. It's a good idea to research who you are learning from. Make sure that they have a track record not only of success for themselves but for their students as well. Stay away from reading sales letters and marketing hype about what a product will do for you and instead look at the reviews of that product on various public forums like the AttractionForums( or The Pick Up Artist Forums( I'm a featured poster on both sites as well as many other talented PUAs such as AFC Adam, Gambler, Savoy, Brad P and more.
The next rule of learning is the rule of small chunks. When you first find this stuff, it can be overwhelming as there are literally hundreds of thousands of pages on pick up theory ranging from dealing with self esteem issues to sexual techniques. With so much out there, it can be tempting to want to read up on all of it at once. The thinking being that if you can learn everything you'll be equipped for every situation and have perfect game! Unfortunately life doesn't work like that. Despite the awesome power of the human brain we can only process and digest a small amount of information at a time. This number reduces even further when the information that we are taking in is counter intuitive to our already existing belief structures. That's where the idea of small chunking comes in to play. You have to be able to break all the information down into small bite sized chunks that you can implement. So how do we do that? I'm glad you asked, we do this by focusing on learning one skill at a time and practicing that one skill until we have it mastered, before moving on.
In the beginning this can be something as simple as making and holding eye contact. Instead of reading up on how to make "seductive" or "hypnotic" eye contact, you read some basic bullet points and head out. Then you practice making and holding eye contact with people until the field tells you you're doing it correctly. Girls will give you the best pick up advice, as long as you watch what they react to, instead of what they say. Once you've got that down, you move on to the next small thing. Remember learning pick up is like eating an elephant you can only eat one bite at a time.
The fourth rule of learning pick up is learning to be completely honest with yourself. I often say on bootcamps that one of the biggest difference between the guys who get good and the guys who don't is honesty. You have to be able to look at yourself and realize that some parts of your personality are not helpful and need to change, if you want more success with women. Some guys decide that they don't care enough to change and that's ok too. Just don't come on one of my bootcamps.
The fifth and final rule of learning pick up is learning to focus only on that which is within your control. In psychology they talk a lot about internal vs external locuses of control. The idea behind the fancy terms being that there are some things you can control and others you cannot. In pick up everything is a variable. In fact the only things you can control are yourself and your reactions to situations. So you are constantly faced with choices. You can either approach the girl or stand by the bar. One of these actions brings you closer to your goal the other doesn't. But it is a choice. You have to stop worrying about whether or not the girls will like you, if there's going to be a guy in the group, etc… Because you can't control it. In fact the more you resist things that are out of control, the more discomfort you create for yourself and the further out of state and into your head you go. Learn to ask yourself " What do I have control of in this situation" and " What do I want the outcome to be here?" Those two questions should bring you back to right action.
Simply following these five rules will put you leaps and bounds ahead of most guys who are learning this stuff. I've put together a FREE 60 page report on how you can avoid the mistakes that lead over 90% of guys to miss out on the dating life of their dreams. You can check it out at Http://

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26 Januari 2009

How to Remove Anxiety in 60 Aeconds with NLP

By Sofia Conti
Outside, the typical jungle where the highway becomes every big city an ordinary days: Drivers who throw insults at the highest accelerating engines, exhaust noise, brake, bocinazos and lots and lots of tension. Inside his car, Diego appears to be living in a parallel world. Her look is different from all others. He does not have the gathering frown, but it is calm, almost smiling. Go to the other like a ghost, as if they could not touch. Close your eyes a few moments while waiting their turn to move in a long line of vehicles, stuck, they want to continue your journey to work. Diego is enjoying with each of your senses that time: the sea view and "feel" your body in the nature of their place. The music sounds in the order of Diego, who mingles with the gentle melodies sound of waves breaking, is the perfect harmony of this internally.
Would you like to do the same as Diego? What would you say if I say that is not only possible but will be able to move from feelings of tension, anxiety and nerves to an inner peace worthy of a Tibetan monk in less than a minute? To learn how, then read on, because now you know how to remove the anxiety with NLP
Your brain is conditioned by your past. Throughout your life, your neurological system has been learning how to respond to certain external stimuli. NOTE I am not referring to reflex actions, like taking the hand before the fire, but such a learned behavior.
The way that today you have to react, for example, face a difficult situation (in your muscle tension, lack of saliva in the mouth, heart beating fast) which is, of course, your brain "knows" to do. What we do, using NLP, is "reprogrammed" the script, change the end of the story, decide how we react to any facts presented to us, choose how to feel.
Ask yourself who said that compared to the chaos of traffic, a train full of people or an embarrassing situation MUST REACT of any shape. Now that you have demolished this myth, you will be able to give you that, in fact, have other options that you can choose different sensations.
Important situations as difficult as the departure from this world of a family member, extreme fear or severe anger control have been "cured" in a very short time (even in a single session of NLP) with the tools they learn to use Workshop on NLP for Internet
Now you know the truth and have no more excuses. It is your responsibility and your only responsibility to decide how you feel. I spend an entire class of NLP Workshop on the Internet to learn, step by step what to do to reprogram your mind and in less than a minute, changing any internal state you want and make it feel like it. But I can not do it for you. You must commit and take the first step.
I would like to share your expertise with others like you? I invite you to enter Enter your comment in the form below. I am sure that many people are eager to hear your own experience how to get rid of anxiety using NLP.
IMPORTANT: Register now andalusia Workshop PNL distance and receive FREE access to audio Diego listened in his car in the example of the principle: marine sounds with music and messages subliminal relaxation and release of tensions and anxieties, you can use anytime, any place you want to relax. Promotion valid for the next 24 hours.
To use the promotional register from this link:

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25 Januari 2009

The Best Kept Secret Everyone Seems to Know - Part 1

By Milo Bono

PLEASE NOTE: The following article deals with a difficult taboo subject that many may feel is strictly forbidden. The secret is known but rarely discussed as evidenced by the lack of reference material available. It is something discovered completely by accident in the course of company business and could have been easily ignored and swept under the rug, but to do so would be in stark contradiction with the principals engendered by company philosophy. This unusual subject is used as a springboard to touch on matters sincere to the heart and mind. That said here goes:

The Unanticipated Discovery
Spending nearly six months of 12-hour days sorting and evaluating over 200,000 words for inclusion in Promptoria software was a long and arduous process. It was also very educational and enlightening. By the end of our endeavor we must have contemplated every thought that can be expressed by a single word, the sum total of shared human experience.
Dictionaries are normally used to look up specific words to clarify definition, check proper spelling and pronunciation, or find thesaurus relationships between words. Instead we sought to analyze each and every word individually to determine their value in relation to the technique of Random Word Stimulation. Words that passed our selection criteria were then sorted into categories optimized for use in Promptoria's various products. Following this unconventional course afforded us the opportunity to experience the English language from a unique perspective and we inadvertently discovered some interesting patterns that emerged along the way.
As we all know - many words have the same or similar meanings, and many words pertain to different facets of the same subject. It seems reasonable to conclude that subjects with the most words attributed to them must hold a respectively higher position of popularity in the hierarchy of human experience. Some subjects have a great many facets to consider, many nuances that reflect the inherent depth and breadth of human perception attributed to a subject.

The Secret is Out
With respect to the above I felt obliged to report we couldn't help but notice one particular subject that came up with alarming frequency. In fact it came up so often we were forced to consider whether it warranted its own category (although ultimately we thought better of it). The majority of our categories were deliberately designed to be of a more generalized nature so we did not keep a detailed account of how many words were attributed to specific subjects. Nevertheless, looking back over this critical phase of our development cycle, the single most conspicuous subject that stood out head and shoulders above the rest, the subject with more words attributed to it than any other, the subject that we must assume is the best known and most widely recognized reality throughout the entire history of mankind, and as it happens the very subject that inspired this article, was - to put it bluntly - the stupidity of people.
There it is - the secret is out, and I realize just broaching this sensitive subject is committing figurative seppuku in light of the current prevailing culture of political correctness, but it had to be done. There is no escape from this uncomfortable truth, it's right there in print, carved in stone yet well hidden within the pages of what should be the most unbiased source of information we have - the dictionary.

The Quest for Knowledge
Promptoria is founded on the concept of self-propelled learning by exploring the unknown in the quest for knowledge, and without exception, never to discard or shy away from whatever is discovered. In this particular case we were not searching in the usual sense, the discovery appeared by its own volition. How this came about is irrelevant. All that matters is that the discovery was made and a question is raised. Curiosity must be satisfied. Discovery of any kind behooves us to explore the subject further to ascertain the balance of truth and falsehood, and determine what value can be gleaned from the experience.
So the question is - How could stupidity become the most universally acknowledged attribute of mankind?
A curious question to say the least. After all, one need only point to the remarkable achievements of modern technology, the sensitivity in orchestrating the delicate intricacies of a great symphony or masterpiece of art, the awe inspiring constructs of architecture standing in testament to our ingenuity, intellect, and imagination. Viewed in context of the many works of genius produced by mankind, the question itself immediately raises its opposing question - How stupid could we be?

Popular Opinion
Normally our exploration would begin by utilizing Random Word Stimulation to incite the discovery of new perspectives from which to contemplate the issue. However, in this unusual situation we are dealing with a subject that is already well known - rather incredibly well known at that. In fact in this particular case it is the very popularity of the contention itself that is in question. Under the circumstances perhaps the best way to start would be to query mankind directly and thereby challenge the veracity of the contention from its source.
To this end I began to make a point of revealing our unanticipated discovery to friends and acquaintances at social gatherings or casual meetings. For the sake of obtaining thorough and unbiased feedback from the largest possible cross section of people I made sure to broach the subject of our discovery with complete strangers at every opportunity.

What the People Say
As it turned out, their reaction was even more alarming than the contention itself. The response was consistent from everyone queried regardless of age, level of education, gender, profession, financial position, social stature or station in life, save only the odd rare exception.
Overall the response could be distilled into two distinct components:
1. By far the most startling revelation was that everyone was in complete agreement. Body language in this case was even more telling than verbal response. Each participant exhibited a characteristic medley of gestures. Predominate among these; it was the combination of a distant inward gaze focused in view of some inner vision, coupled with a gentle knowing smile, which signaled the unmistakable sign. I would never lay claim to psychic powers, and yet upon witnessing this classic reaction to my query I couldn't help but feel some kind of vague spiritual empathy, as if for those brief few moments a faded window in my own mind appeared through which their inner thoughts were revealed. My vision, though blurred to detail, revealed crystal clear that each person was experiencing their own intimate associations to past events of their lives, lucid memories that bore the undeniable truth of the matter at hand.
2. It was also clear by what people said, and perhaps even more by what they didn't say, that the thought never entered their minds to consider themselves in personal possession of this most eminent attribute of humanity.
We must conclude the result of our admittedly unscientific pole did indeed confirm that the contention in question was immediately recognized throughout the brotherhood of mankind. Stupidity would seem to have earned its renowned status, though we are still left to ponder the most elemental question that must be repeated until it can be resolved no further - WHY?

Strategy of Exploration
Would examining stupidity as a concept provide some insight? What better resource could we ask for than the very one that prompted this exploration in the first place - the dictionary.
Here's the definition according to Webster's - Stupidity: 1 : the quality or state of being stupid 2 : a stupid idea or act
Not very informative is it. Here we have a subject with more words related to it than any other, yet the only definitions of the word itself merely refer to its root form as if it has no tangible meaning at all. I won't bother referencing the root form "Stupid" since its definition is no more enlightening.
Search through the endless wealth of knowledge recorded throughout the history of mankind and you will find that definitive reference material pertaining to our subject is virtually non-existent. We are thus left completely on our own to continue the quest for answers. From here on we must rely exclusively on our skills of creative and critical thinking to blaze new paths of exploration and then employ decisive deductive reasoning to further our search of a final resolution.

The Journey Begins
Could stupidity be an organic phenomenon intrinsic to nature and born of the universe? Is it stupid how the sun radiates live endowing energy on our planet, how bees pollinate flowers to sustain new growth, or how rain falls to nourish the earth? Can any of the miraculous wonders of nature, even the very existence of mankind itself, be considered a manifestation of stupidity?
I think not (let's hope not). No - stupidity would seem to be a concept created by, exclusive to, and firmly rooted in, the human mind. We can conclude therefore that stupidity is not absolute, rather it is a relative construct born of our own perception. Stupidity has no life of its own; it can only exist as a manifestation of mind entirely under the purview of the perceiver.
Everyone thought the Wright Brothers were imbued with boundless stupidity for pursuing the ridiculous notion that man could fly like a bird. History is full of similar examples were popular perceptions held by the many, evolve beyond measure from challenges imposed by a daring few.
One person's perception of stupidity can often be another's perception of potentially brilliant innovation. How can we account for these discrepancies of perception? Or more to the point - How can we learn to leverage our seemingly natural aptitude and propensity to recognize the former, so that we may cultivate and amplify our latent ability to recognize the latter?

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