Produced, Teacher Performance Criteria
Directorate General of Quality Improvement of Education and staff's (Director General PMPTK) Ministry will prepare a teacher's performance criteria. PMPTK Baedowi Director General, said the performance criteria will be used as indicators for the payment allowance teaching profession. In addition, it can be used to evaluate the professional ability of teachers to the profession have obtained the certificate.
Baedhowi said, publishing professional certificate for teachers is to keprofesiannya, but allowance payment is based on professional performance. One condition, he said, according to Government Regulation NO.74 Year 2008 on the Guru, the work load of teachers meet at least 24 hours in face-to-face one sunday. "So even if their performance meets the 24-hour face-to-face, but should be seen that the performance indicators is now being done," he said after the MoU signing ceremony between the education sector in Indonesia with the Turkish Ministry of National Education, Jakarta, Thursday (22/1/2009).
Baedhowi mentioned, the number of teachers that cumulation has been certified in 2007 and 2008 is approximately 360,000 people. From January 2009, he said, had already been a benefit payment profession. Meanwhile, teachers across a target in 2009 was 200,000 and the payment allowance profession will start in 2010. "Payment is intended primarily for participants who have long passed, while the new graduate are required to complete the decree issued allowances professional educators," he said.
Baedhowi assert, there is no change in the teacher certification system, but changes in the work kepengawasan especially for supervisors in the office. According to him, to ensure that the comptroller is required to work a professional supervisor who truly understand the learning process. "If the supervisor does not control the learning process is difficult. Therefore, the search for those of you who have experience as teachers or principals," he said.
Source: Ministry of National Education Press